Aesthetic Institute Treatments
- Chemical Peels
- Micro-Needling
- Dermaplaning
- Facials
- Harmony Xl Pro Tattoo Removal
- Clear Lift Treatment
- NIR Face & Body
- Laser Hair Removal
- Pixel Peel
This is a cosmetic procedure that involves applying a chemical solution to the skin causing it to exfoliate and stimulate desquamation of the dead skin cells.
This process helps to improve:
- Skin texture
- Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Diminish hyperpigmentation.
- Treat acne and acne scarring
It also enhances overall skin tone and clarity of the skin, promoting a more youthful and radiant appearance.
A minimally invasive procedure that uses a device with fine needles to create micro controlled punctures in the skin’s surface. This stimulates the body’s natural collagen and elastin production promoting overall skin health.
Benefits may include but not limiting to:
- Improve skin elasticity.
- Minimize acne scarring.
- Refine skin texture.
- Treat enlarged pores.
- Improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation and dark spots.
- Improve the appearance of stretch marks.
Minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses a surgical blade to remove dead skin cells. It aims to promote smoother skin and brighter complexion.
- Smoothing of skin texture
- Enhance product absorption.
- Removal of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz)
- Evens skin tone
- Minimizes the appearance of fine lines.
Facials provide deeper exfoliation than you can achieve at home. Exfoliation refines skin by removing dead skin cells to assist with better product penetration, leaving your skin feeling clean and brighter.
Harmony XL pro utilizes Q-switched technology to break down tattoo pigments into smaller particles, allowing the macrophages in the body to naturally eliminate the pigment fragments by the phagocytosis process.
- Reduced risk of scarring
- Improved precision in targeting specific colors.
- Potentially fewer sessions needed compared to order technologies.
However, results may vary from person to person.
Delivers intense nanosecond pulses to the target area resulting in a photoacoustic effect. The controlled dermal wounds created with the pixel tip provide the ideal solution for:
- Pigmentation
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Rough skin texture
- Uneven skin tone
- Skin laxity
The NIR module uses a powerful light source in the near infrared spectrum to achieve safe and effective dermal heating, imparting a youthful glow to the skin. This pleasant treatment increases dermal temperature, generating thermal injury to the tissue which contracts existing fibers, stimulating the formation of new collagen and improves its alignment and thickness.
- Immediate skin tightening and glow from microcirculation.
- Restructure of the skin architecture through neocollagenesis
- Helps to bolster the skin against future ageing.
- Dermis regeneration, wound healing and remodeling
- Reduced fat cell volume and improved cellulite appearance
- Accelerates the lymphatic drainage to evacuate toxins from the tissue.
- Muscle and joint pain relief
Harmony XL pro uses advanced technology like SHR (Super Hair Removal) Super pain free Hair free™ in motion™ Hair removal technology, removing unwanted hair and ingrown hairs while keeping the epidermis cooled, protected and anesthetized with the hand piece during the treatment.
- Faster sessions
- Virtually painless treatment
- Targets a wide range of hair colors and types.
- Its suitable for all skin types and provides long lasting results.
Pixel peel is a skin rejuvenation that typically involves two technologies: pixel laser and a chemical peel or micro-needling with a chemical peel. This combination aims to address various skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, uneven skin texture and overall skin appearance.
Chemical peels
This is a cosmetic procedure that involves applying a chemical solution to the skin causing it to exfoliate and stimulate desquamation of the dead skin cells.
This process helps to improve:
- Skin texture
- Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Diminish hyperpigmentation.
- Treat acne and acne scarring
It also enhances overall skin tone and clarity of the skin, promoting a more youthful and radiant appearance.
A minimally invasive procedure that uses a device with fine needles to create micro controlled punctures in the skin’s surface. This stimulates the body’s natural collagen and elastin production promoting overall skin health.
Benefits may include but not limiting to:
- Improve skin elasticity.
- Minimize acne scarring.
- Refine skin texture.
- Treat enlarged pores.
- Improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation and dark spots.
- Improve the appearance of stretch marks.
Minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses a surgical blade to remove dead skin cells. It aims to promote smoother skin and brighter complexion.
- Smoothing of skin texture
- Enhance product absorption.
- Removal of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz)
- Evens skin tone
- Minimizes the appearance of fine lines.
Facials provide deeper exfoliation than you can achieve at home. Exfoliation refines skin by removing dead skin cells to assist with better product penetration, leaving your skin feeling clean and brighter.
Harmony Xl pro tattoo removal
Harmony XL pro utilizes Q-switched technology to break down tattoo pigments into smaller particles, allowing the macrophages in the body to naturally eliminate the pigment fragments by the phagocytosis process.
- Reduced risk of scarring
- Improved precision in targeting specific colors.
- Potentially fewer sessions needed compared to order technologies.
However, results may vary from person to person.
Clear lift treatment
Delivers intense nanosecond pulses to the target area resulting in a photoacoustic effect. The controlled dermal wounds created with the pixel tip provide the ideal solution for:
- Pigmentation
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Rough skin texture
- Uneven skin tone
- Skin laxity
NIR Face & Body
The NIR module uses a powerful light source in the near infrared spectrum to achieve safe and effective dermal heating, imparting a youthful glow to the skin. This pleasant treatment increases dermal temperature, generating thermal injury to the tissue which contracts existing fibers, stimulating the formation of new collagen and improves its alignment and thickness.
- Immediate skin tightening and glow from microcirculation.
- Restructure of the skin architecture through neocollagenesis
- Helps to bolster the skin against future ageing.
- Dermis regeneration, wound healing and remodeling
- Reduced fat cell volume and improved cellulite appearance
- Accelerates the lymphatic drainage to evacuate toxins from the tissue.
- Muscle and joint pain relief
Laser hair removal
Harmony XL pro uses advanced technology like SHR (Super Hair Removal) Super pain free Hair free™ in motion™ Hair removal technology, removing unwanted hair and ingrown hairs while keeping the epidermis cooled, protected and anesthetized with the hand piece during the treatment.
- Faster sessions
- Virtually painless treatment
- Targets a wide range of hair colors and types.
- Its suitable for all skin types and provides long lasting results.
Pixel peel
Pixel peel is a skin rejuvenation that typically involves two technologies: pixel laser and a chemical peel or micro-needling with a chemical peel. This combination aims to address various skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, uneven skin texture and overall skin appearance.
Book a treatment now
+27 69 441 2975 | +27 11 875 1680 or email on