Thigh Lift
Thigh Lift surgery reshapes the thighs by removing loose skin and stubborn fat producing a more sculpted and youthful appearance and can be accompanied with liposuction. Scar visibility is minimized as incisions are made along the natural contours of the groin, however body habitus requirements may vary thus requiring an alternate individualized surgical approach.
It is important to discuss your specific target areas and the degree of correction desired during the Consultation where the procedure, options, and shortcomings are discussed in detail.
Operation: Normally surgery takes 2-4 hours with general anaesthetic
Hospital Stay: Dependent of patient and extend of procedure
Driving: 2-4 weeks
Back to Work: 3 to 4 weeks
Swelling and bruising can be expected but will lessen as you recover although it may be several weeks before resuming normal activity. Drains may be required postoperatively to drain excess fluid as required.